
How to dispose and recycle broken tv

How to dispose and recycle broken tv

 Here’s How to Properly Dispose of and Recycle It

Can you imagine passing a day without seeing your favourite show?

How to dispose and recycle broken tv? Televisions have been an essential part of our daily lives, but as technology advances and televisions become outdated, it’s important to dispose of them properly. Old television disposal can be a bit trickier than disposing of other household items. Still, it is important to follow proper procedures to ensure old television disposal in a safe and secure manner.  

So, what should you do?

Check with your local government 

First, you should check with your local government for specific regulations and guidelines for old television disposal and the disposal of broken TVs. Many areas have special guidelines for the disposal of electronics, and you may need to take your TV to a specific facility.

Donate it to a local charity

If your TV is still working and you are simply upgrading, you can consider donating it to a local charity or organization. They may be able to repair or refurbish the TV and give it to someone in need.

Schedule a pick-up 

If your TV is beyond repair and needs to be disposed of, you can contact your local waste management department to schedule a pickup or find a local recycling facility that accepts electronic waste. 

Metro Green offers free tv pick-up recycling services for old and broken TVs. Contact us now.

Important: recycle of flat screen tv

When you think “recycle of flat screen tv”, also known as LCD or plasma TVs, note that it is different from recycling traditional CRT TVs in a few key ways. One major difference is that recycle of flat-screen tv are made with different materials, such as glass, plastic, and metal, which means recycling of flat-screen TV requires different recycling processes. Additionally, flat-screen TVs contain potentially hazardous materials, such as lead, that must be handled and disposed of properly. In contrast, CRT TVs are primarily made of glass, which can be easily broken down and recycled. Therefore, recycling flat-screen TV is typically more complex and specialised than for CRT TVs.

Remove personal information 

When disposing of your broken tv, it is essential to remove any personal information and data from the tv. This can be done by performing a factory reset or physically removing the hard drive if the TV has one.

Dispose of any batteries

It is also important to properly dispose of any batteries or other hazardous materials that may be present in the tv. These materials should not be placed in the trash and should be taken to a designated free tv pickup recycling facility for proper disposal.

Why should you recycle your old, broken TV? 

Recycling broken TVs not only helps to protect the environment but also ensures that valuable materials such as metals, plastics, and glass can be used again. Recycling electronics also reduces the need for raw materials to be mined, conserving natural resources and reducing the environmental impact.

We at Metro Green are pioneers in free tv pickup recycling for the last 10+ years and serve in and around Washington, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Maryland. Call us at +1-855-735-0868 or email us at

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